Bearing and Sharing

Galatians 6:2-10

Pew Bible Pg. 948


I.  God gives us the privilege to bear one another’s burdens.                                               vs. 2


    A.  As we walk together, let it be in humility.                                                                  vs. 3


    B.  Ultimately, we will all answer for our own decisions.                                                 vs. 4-5


II.  God gives us the opportunity to share what He has given us.                                    vs. 6-10


    A.  The principle of sowing and reaping within the body...and persevering                      vs. 7-9


    B.  We ought to share with our teachers and the household of faith.                        vs. 6, 10.


III.  Our witness to the world depends upon how we treat one another.              John 13:34-35


    A.  Even if they disagree with us in belief, they cannot deny our action.                                  

                                                                                                     Matt. 5:13-16, I Pet. 2:11-12 


    B.  In bearing one another’s burdens and sharing generously with one another, we become a clearer reflection of Jesus Christ.                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                 Phil. 2:1-11


Do I see bearing another believer’s burden as a privilege or a plague?




How am I doing with my attitude of sharing with others?




Am I submitting to the Holy Spirit’s authority in making me more like Jesus Christ?

